Wednesday, July 9, 2014

That sounds like a personal problem to me

Hola mi Familia!

I have not yet gotten my letters yet, but I am on the look out for them, I would suggest not sending anything else while I am here in Mexico because I am not really sure how long it takes and I rather you not send it and I not get it, sooooo just wait until I get to Arizona to mail anything else :)

Wednesday- I was sick, like I told all of yall in last weeks email, but because I was sick Hermana Egbert said she was going to teach the lesson, which I was grateful for because I felt horrible. Before we went into our lesson two other Hermanas and myself got a blessing from the Elders in our District (it was there first time ever giving one) It was really good. 

Thursday- The 4th of July!! Everyone wore red, white, and blue- all of us were verryyy patriotic. They decorated the comedor (the cafeteria) with red/white/blue streamers and table cloths. We had pulled pork, corn, fries, it made us all feel at home. Then one Hermana got on the microphone and started singing the National Anthem, so that led to all of us singing along and it was cool, everyone screamed afterwards. I wore my whale scarf, and Hermana Wade loved it. (Also, there are always gun shots going off around us, we always ask the natives what that means, and they always say that they are fireworks.... at nine oclock in the morning.... IIIIIII dont think so.... but nothing can get to us because we have a literal brick wall around the entire CCM, nothing is getting through :)) that means mom... dont worry.

Friday- We found out that Jorge, our first investigator, is now our new night teacher. There was noooooo way that they would trust us new missionaries that dont know anyyyy spanish to teach someone interested in the Gospel. BUTTT yeah, his real name is Victor, so we call him Hermano Victor. He. Is. Ridiculous. He speaks both english and spanish realllly well, but to us he only speaks spanish, Which I know will be super helpful, but it is also super stressful.  Hermana Egbert knows the language really well.. which sometimes I wish I knew it as much as she does, but I just have to keep remembering that we both have different strengths. 

Saturday- So, Saturday was the worst. Hermana Egbert and I got up to go to breakfast and while at breakfast, I started to feel WORSE.. which didnt make sense because I felt great thursday. So after breakfast, I didnt feel better so I went BACK to the doctor and they told me I just needed to go back to the casa and sleep it off, I needed to rest and not worry about other stuff. That really crushed me.. because I wanted to be able to go to class and learn, because I didnt come out here to lay around and sleep, I came out here to learn, grow, and be taught. But I knew that it was the best fro me.  But anyway, we both fell asleep around 8 while everyone else was out at classes adn stuff and I woke up around 9 and i felt horrible, so we got dressed and went to look for our District in the normal classroom we are in but they werent there, but we found our zone leader and I asked for a blessing, which was perfect. I didnt feel better right away but I felt more at paz (say it like pause, means peace.) and that everything was going to be okay and everythiung was going to work out. 

Sunday- Sunday and Wednesday are seriously my favorite. Sunday was fast sunday, but the doctor told me not to fast, so I didnt, I ate food. I hadnt eaten anything in like five days because I felt so sick... so I guess thats good I ate food. Our Zone Leaders and their District were all leaving this week and so they all got up and bore their testimony, which was pretty awesome. AND unlike last sunday, I knew pretty much everything that was being said. So that made me really happy. Can I just say that I love singing in Spanish?? It is seriously so special. but, anyway, we had sacrament, then we have devotional, so last weeks was a devotional that was previoucly recorded from the Provo MTC by Elder DAvid A. Bednar and then this weeks was a recording from Elder Holland, which was SO spiritually empowering and something that I really needed t ohear. Then we went to dinner, and then after dinnfer, we always have a movie, so this weeks movie we watched the Joseph Smith movie, which was really good. One thing that has really stood out to me and has been in my head since watching it is in the movie, after Joseph gets tarred and feathered, Emma asks Joseph why they mhave to go through all of this and he says, ´Maybe we are asked to swim through deep water.¨ Which is so true, especially while I have been out here, that there are times when we are asked to do things that are hard, or that we are not comfortable with.... like a mission in general... but... if we put our faith in Heavenly Father, he is gonig to be there and help us through, no matter what we are facing. While watching it, I noticed the little guy who plays Joseph in the movie and I thought HEY! He is in Summit ward right now! I know him!! After the movie we went back and talked with our District about our favorite parts of the day and all that we felt and that we learned, I love that, I love being able to talk to our district about stuff like that, we are SUCH a strong district.

Monday- We started teaching a new investigator, who is actually our morning teacher... so thats fun. We taught her Monday morning, and that was the first time that I spoke spanish without having studied it... or written it out, I strictly was led by the spirit in what I needed to say. I know its weird thinking that you can be led by the spirit when the person you are teaching is already a member, but it is true and that was cool. I actually understood what I was saying as well, so thats a plus. Hermana Egbert complimented me on how awesome it was that I had done that, and I have noticed that one of the hardest things for me to do our here is to accept compliments from people and I dont know why... I guess I just dont go searching for them so when people say stuff like it I just think to myself... uh.... ahaha... 

Tuesday- I was teaching one of the Elders (Elder Sims)  in one of our classes about how to begin teaching and our teacher was right there and so she told me to say as much as I could in spanish and then do the rest in english and so I asked questions in spanish, and then when I got to ask him if we could pray, I siwtched to english and I could feel the Spirit so strongly. It was somehting really simple, but asking to see if we could say a prayer because that is how we learn and grow and Christ hears us... so awesome. Our District sang at the Devotional last night it was mix of Hark All Ye Nations and I Hope They Call Me On A Mission. IT was really cool. We had a live devotional prodcasted from Provo with Elder Neil L. Anderson, which was SO cool, they scanned the audience so many times so I looked for people I knew that were there in the Provo MTC. I have learned that I need to humble myself. I need to stop worrying about whether or not I know enough spanish, or enough scriptures or if I get along with my companion well enough, but to just let Heavenly Father kow that I am here, and I am here for Him.

I love you guys, I am so grateful that I get to look forward to emailing you all of my fun adventures every week.
Hermana Cordell

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

First week at the CCM!

So, I would just like to start out by saying that there has been a huge massive nasty virus going around and so we arent allowed to shake hands with anyone or hug people. It is HORRIBLE. And just so yall know... I have it! Myself and Hermana Ivie (she is a Hermana in my casa who is in my room) have the virus so today we went to the doctor, they gave us some medicine, we slept a little and now we are emailing our family! She knows the show Parks and Rec and so we always quote, This is the worrrsssttt... no seriously... this is the worst... and it applies today because it isss the worst! But all is well :)
Okay so this week has been an all over thought process of emotions. I have cried.... not everyday but a lot of the time. It is just a lot to take in and a lot to process.

Wednesday- Soo it was our first night and so we didnt really have to do anything except to just settle in and put all of our stuff away. It was still weird to think about how I really did leave and I really am gone for the next 18 months. My companion, Hermana Egbert, didnt show up until about 7 or 8 at night so I just hung out with Hermana Wade all day and so that was fun. 

Thursday- We had our first class where they talked about what all we would be doing, we all went around and said where we were from, where we were going, how many siblings we have, and what we like to do, so that was a ton of fun, it made me that much more excited to actually learn the language. :) We also had a bunch of meetings for all of the new missionaries at the MTC and Presidente Pratt, who is actually a member of the 70 and is a super cute old man :) We started the meeting by singing Called to Serve in Spanish, and it was SO amazing. I loved it. We were told in our class that if we knew spanish words to use them as often as we could. SO I have begun to notice that I have started writing in Spanish in my journal without even thinking about it so I guess that is beneficial, its so crazy that I am actualyl here, in Mexico, learning the language. We were told that we were the biggest group of sisters to enter the Mexico MTC, there were about 40 or 50 sisters that came with me last week, which is AMAZING! They also so that today we are expecting to get over 140 missionaries, which is INSANE! We were also told we could only take pictures on P-Day and so.. almost all of the pictures will show that I am wearing the same outfit and today I wore the black and white skirt AGAIN and then took more pictures.. ohh well! We also met our branch presidente and he is the CUTEST old man ever. His name is Presidente Gomez and you can tell how much he loves the Gospel when he bares his testimony. He told us we have to prepare a 5 minute talk every week and we never know who is going to speak until after the Sacrament has been passed and he says.. now we will here from.... and so that isnt stressful or ANYTHING. I am the Senior Companion for the first three weeks while and then it switches and we change. We were able to watch people teach investagadores(spanish) which was so cool to be able to see that.  Random side nto about this day.. our branch Presidente kept saying purpose and it sounded like porpoise and it made me miss being able to say that all the time with yall.

Friday- We taught our 1st investagadore and it was HORRIBLE. We knew nothing is spanish so that was awesome. After we taught our lesson we went back to the classroom where we spend most of our day and I just cried because I was so frustrated and I didnt know what Jorge, that is our investagator needed. 
Hermana Egbert turned to me and said, Hermana Cordell I dont know why I feel like I should say this, but I feel like you should share an experience you have had with lost loved ones... which that made me cry even more, but it was a testament that Heavenly Father was there and listening because I felt the exact same way but was scared to actually talk about it. 

Saturday- First of all... there is not much you can do here at the MTC but it is so SO SO pretty. We have 90 acres instead of Provo who has 20. So walking from class to class, we get to go outside and it is the PERFECT weather here. But anyway, we were walking to our classes one day and there were Elders playing with these hard leaves like it was a soccer ball.. so that was awesome.. haha. We taught our investagadore and talked about dad and I cried but the Spirit was there and it was so amazing and so powerful.

Sunday- Sunday was really relaxing and nothing really happened. It was super nice though because Relief Society was in English, so I could actually understand it. We then went to Sacrament guess who was the ONLY new person to give a talk?? ME!!!! so that was awesome.. people said I did really well for only being here for less than a week so that was comforting.. even though I stared at my paper the whole time I was reading it. After we had our devotional prrodcast from Elder Bednar, which was amazing, we watched movies, which I just studied the language because I just want to know it so much better, but afterwards, we went outside and it was raining SOOOO much, but that was fun too. Everything that has happened has been just so much fun! :)

Monday- We didnt really do anything except for classes and teaching Jorge. I thought about how much I missed home.. but I know I am supposed to be here. I just miss being able to talk to everyone whenever I need to. It is definity an adjustment.

Tuesday- Nothing really happened, we had a service project and then we had another Devotional, we have one every Tuesday and so that was nice to end the day with.

And today.... I have done nothing because I am sick.

I love all of you guys. I am so grateful to have the love and support you give me. I love being a missionary even though it is so hard. I wish all of you could be here so that we can experience this together. I love, miss and think about all of you everyday and I am so grateful for the love we have for one another. One of the most important things that I keep learning is that I cannot do this without my Heavenly Father. I need Him to help me do so much, with the lessons I plan, with studying the language, speaking the language, being a better companion and so much more. I have learned even more clearly that this mission, is in no way for me. I am preparing to help those in Arizona.

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I will talk to yall next week!

Love forever and ever,
Hermana Cordell 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

He is Mindful of Us All

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been doing more and more to finishing my packing process for my mission to Scottsdale, Arizona. As my report date to the Mexico CCM (Centro de Capacitacion Misional Mexico) approaches,  I have started to think on multiple occasions, What in the world am I do? How am I supposed to go out and teach the people the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those in Arizona? And in Spanish? Something I hold so dearly to me, how am I supposed to lay it out there for others to see it and pick it apart?
How am I going to receive peace from all that is happening?
I didn't think that it would be possible for it to be done. But I was amazingly proven wrong.
It was a night like any other and when I was about to go to sleep, I hugged my mom and was telling her goodnight and I loved her when I whispered something into her ear:
"What am I doing?"
Something that I had asked her multiple times and a question that I personally knew the answer to, but I just had to ask to hear what she would say.
"You are doing what has been done to us."
I asked her what she meant by that:
"You are doing what has been done to us. You are going on a mission to serve and bring those that you teach to the Gospel. If it weren't for the two, the five we have sent out wouldn't have gone. The two came, and they taught dad and I, Dad went on a mission, and then so did four of the five kids. Because those two missionaries gave up their time to serve, it changed our lives forever, and you are going to do that for another family."
I smiled and hugged her again, said goodnight and walked up to my room. But as I laid in bed, I couldn't help to think how right she was. It was because two young men left their homes, gave up two years of their lives, and came to North Carolina, that my parents found the church. And because of those two loving Elders, my family was changed, four out of my five siblings served missions (myself included), everyone of my siblings that have been married, were married within the walls of the temple. Because of those two Elders, my love for my Savior is so strong, and my desire to serve is real, I have a strong desire to serve and I am so excited to teach and love those in my mission, the Scottsdale, Arizona mission.
Yes, there are times where I doubt or wonder what and why I am serving a mission, and then I remember the distinct and precious impression I received that I needed to serve my Savior, and to serve those people I was called to serve.
There are moments in our lives when we need to be reminded, in simple ways, that our Savior is mindful of us, of what we are going through, and changes in our life that are sometimes more than we think we can handle. But one thing our loving Father in Heaven does, is He never gives us more than we could handle. He knows us personally, He knows what we can handle, He knows of our struggles and our trials, and what we are capable of, and He is always our number one supporter. We cannot stop believing in ourselves when we have our loving Heavenly Father always believing in us.
When we place our faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ, and our Heavenly Father we will then begin to feel even more their all encompassing love that they have for us. We are never forgotten.
He is mindful of us. Always.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

It Was Mom

"There is no one perfect way to be a good mother. Each situation is unique. Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly different children... what matters is that a mother loves her children deeply.

-Elder M. Russell Ballard 

It was mom that raised me to be the best person that I could be. It was mom who strives for me to know that I was a Daughter of a loving Heavenly Father. It was mom who caused me to want to be better. It is mom, who is always there.

Oh how I love my mother. I do not think that words could begin to described how much I truly care for my loving and giving mother. She is one that I can continually count on to get me to laugh when I try my hardest not to, one that lets me cry when I get frustrated, and one that I always turn to when seeking advice. I love my mother, and all that she has done for me. She has raised me and my siblings within the Gospel, which I am forever and ever grateful for. She is my best friend, and one I always look forward to seeing and spending my time with. She is the one that has always been there to support me, she is my number one cheerleader. She is always the first one there for all that I have done, whether it be a dance recitals, a play, graduation or sports I participated in, she has always been there watching, and supporting 100%. She is the one that I always know will be by my side no matter the trial, no matter what I may face. She is a strong woman, and I am so proud to call her my mom.

I am so honored to have been placed within the hands of someone so loving and so supportive. I hope that I can someday be half of the woman she is. She is my rock, my role model, and my absolute best friend to the very end. Happy Mothers Day Momma, I love you!

Monday, May 5, 2014

We Are Never Forgotten

As I have begun to prepare for my mission, it is truly an amazing experience to practice the language, to read it out loud so that I can hear what I am reading, go to the temple as often as I can, and the list goes on and on. But that excitement to serve those I have been called serve, is not the only thing I have felt within my preparation and within the last two months of having my mission call.
When I think about leaving my home, the things I am most familiar with, to go and serve those people that are being prepared to hear the truthfulness of the Gospel, I am excited, excited to teach those that have been carefully prepared by our loving Heavenly Father. I wonder sometimes if I am truly ready for an experience such as this, whether I truly know the Gospel enough to share my beloved testimony to others and whether or not I can successfully teach those in Arizona and parts of New Mexico in Spanish. But then I remember, Heavenly Father has called me, He has prepared me for a time such as this, where I have been called to serve where I am needed, where I can touch people the way others may not be able to and to help those people I will teach. I have learned more that I have had my call more than ever that Heavenly Father does not leave us in times of worry or when we doubt ourselves. He is most certainly there for us when those times come upon us, waiting for us to turn to Him in prayer. Our Father in Heaven is our biggest cheerleader and when we join in the work of bringing others unto Christ, He is so proud and knows we will do a good work! 
As I read in Preach My Gospel, a tool that helps future missionaries, member missionaries and others how to better teach the Gospel, I came across the chapter that speaks of learning a new language (Chapter 7). As I read through this chapter, I could not help to think that my Heavenly Father was listening to what I needed to hear. Something that stood out immensely was this, "The Lord has invested much in you, and He may have uses for your language abilities later in your life...You are not alone in learning your mission language. Whenever the Lord gives a commandment, He provides a way to accomplish it. Seek His help." 
The Lord knows what we need to hear and the perfect time in which we are ready to listen to the promptings of the Spirit which in turn will help us to grow. We are not forgotten in His eyes. He is there, always waiting for us to turn to Him in prayer when we think we do not know where or if we are ready to embark on an adventure such as serving a mission to a foreign land, where people may not understand you, or where you may not understand them. He will provide a way, "Every man shall hear the fullness of the gospel in his own tongue and in his own language, through those who are ordained unto this power" (D&C 90:11)
Those who are called to serve a mission, they will have Heavenly Father by their side, He has called us to the place in which we were called for a reason, and a time when we are so individually needed to serve among those people which we will come in contact with. 
Thomas S. Monson stated in a 2013 General Conference talk. “Our Heavenly Father knows that we learn and grow and become stronger as we face and survive the trials through which we must pass. You will one day stand aside and look at your difficult times, and you will realize that He was always there beside you.” There will be times on my mission, I know, when I feel as if I do not know the language as much as I would like, where I wish I could communicate better with those that I am teaching, be a better companion and serve those around me more fully, but I know Heavenly Father knows me and He has not forgotten me. He will be there to lift me up in times when my weaknesses show. I know that He will bless me as I am willing to open my mouth to those that I will serve. He is always there for not only me, but for everyone. He is a loving Father in Heaven and one that knows us all individually and knows our trails, sorrows, triumphs, victories, happiness and joys. He knows us and is continually there for us when we turn to Him with a willing heart, and a willingness to follow His will instead of our own, and when we do so, we will be blessed beyond what we could ever comprehend. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Because of Him

Today is Easter Sunday, I think I have found my new favorite holiday! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has released a video that talks about all that we are able to do Because of Him in relation to it being the Easter season.
I watched the video of two minutes and forty four seconds. All I could think was... this is all true. Because of Him I am able to do so much. The grave has no victory, we can start over, guilt can become peace, regret can become relief, despair turned into hope, we are able to have second chances and begin again. Because of Him we are able to do all that we have to in order to endure to the end in this life.
As I was looking around on the site along with other social media, I saw that there was a photo challenge going around that people were participating in. It intrigued me and I thought "Why not!" it's a way for me to reflect on my Savior, Jesus Christ.
I decided to take on the challenge and everyday this week I have posted a picture on Instagram that goes along with the description above.
#becauseofHim I can be a better daughter and a better sister. I am grateful for forever families.
#becauseofHim I can serve others. In 71 days I will be able to serve the people of Scottsdale, Arizona. #becauseofHim I can be a better example. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."-Philippians  4:13
#becauseofHim I can love more fully. I am so grateful for such amazing people that have been placed perfectly in my life.
#becauseofHim I can be a better me. I love the temple and the blessings within its walls.
#becauseofHim I live in such a beautiful world. Sunsets are one of my favorite things.
#becauseofHim I am inspired. 

#becauseofHim I can receive answers to my prayers. I am grateful for my Savior and Father in Heaven that I can turn to when I am in need of peace.

With being able to reflect this entire week on that which the Easter season is truly about, I have learned so much more about not only myself but also of my loving Savior. With thinking everyday what I can do because of Him, I was continually thinking of all that He does for me. The list of that He does for me is never ending. I was reminded that without Him, I am nothing, that everything I am and that I will become is due to Him and His sacrifice He made for me and all of those upon the earth. Reflecting on what the Savior does for me on a daily basis helps me to see that I cannot make it through this life on my own. I need Him to strengthen me when there are times of hardship and trials I must go through in this life. He is always there. I am grateful for the ultimate gift He gave me, His life, so that I can live with Him again someday. I am eternally grateful for a loving Savior and elder Brother who sacrificed so much for someone such as I. I know that because of Him I am so much more than I could ever imagine and could ever be on my own. Because of Him I can be with my family forever, because of Him I am the happiest I can be, and because of Him I have His example to follow and live by. I can do all things Because of Him.

What can you do Because of Him?

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Heavenly Father Knows Us Perfectly

I have been thinking a lot lately how perfectly our Heavenly Father knows us. He knows us perfectly and knows what we need exactly when we need it.
General Conference which is where we are taught by the Prophet,Thomas S. Monson, and other church officials, that have been called by God. We are able to listen to these teachings that they have prayerfully prepared for us to hear every six months, once in October and in April every year.
As I went into Conference I couldn't help but to think when they announced how many missionaries were serving, 83,035 full-time missionaries serving world wide that I would soon be a part of that great work in a few short months.
I went into this Conference with a few questions, some pertaining to my mission and some not. As I was thinking about these questions as Conference began, I thought and really hoped that my questions or at least some of them would be addressed during these Conference sessions.
As Elder Jeffrey R. Holland started speaking as the first speaker, my main question was answered and placed before more immediately. In his talk titled The Cost-and The Blessings- of Discipleship he addressed those times when we may think that it is hard to stand up for that which we know to be right. One of my favorite quotes from his talk, and what really answered my question was, “You may wonder if it is worth it to take a courageous moral stand in high school, or to go on a mission only to have your most cherished beliefs reviled, or to strive against much in society that sometimes ridicules a life of religious devotion. Yes, it is worth it, because the alternative is to have our houses left unto us desolate— desolate individuals, desolate families, desolate neighborhoods and desolate nations." 

I was just searching for that confirmation that I was indeed making a correct decision with my course in life and I received that peace I desired so dearly.
Heavenly Father is always there when we turn to Him for guidance and in times when we need a feeling of clarity. The Lord is mindful of us, and will teach us through the words of the Prophet and his apostles.
In a talk given by Elder Dieter F. Utchdorf in 2008 he says “In His kindness, He has given us prophets to teach us His eternal truths and guide us in living His gospel.The Lord loves us and He loves us as much as He did those in the times of Old Testament He has given us a living prophet and apostles to guide us and lead us in these Latter-Days. 
I am so grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know that Heavenly Father knows us perfectly and guides those around us to help us through times of need and in this case, it was an apostle of God being in tune with the spirit. We are able to be guided with a living Prophet on the earth today. Heavenly Father has a plan specifically and personally made for each of us, He knows what we need. I am so grateful for that knowledge.